Cranmore Infant School B90

Building learning Power

What is Building Learning Power all about?


Building Learning Power (BLP) is about helping children become better learners, both in school and out. It is about creating a climate that cultivates habits and attitudes that enable young people to face difficulty and uncertainty calmly, confidently and creatively.

Pupils who are more confident of their own learning ability, learn faster and learn better. They concentrate more, think harder and find learning more enjoyable.

 This is not an instant programme but it takes root and develops over time. How well you learn is not a matter of how intelligent you are, it is a matter of experience and good coaching. Being a good real-life learner means knowing what is worth learning, what you are good (or not so good) at learning, who can help, how to face confusion without getting upset and what is the best learning tool for the job at hand.


The children are introduced to the four R's learning 'muscles'. The teachers deliver sessions  which constantly enhance and develop the Resilience, Reflectiveness, Reciprocity and Resourceful skills of the children. 

There are characters we link to each area 

Resilience - Tortoise Reflective - Owl  
Reciprocity - Bee Resourceful - Spider

During the weekly celebration assembly, children are awarded BLP certificates recognising how they have excelled as a learner in one of these areas.  


How can you help your child with BLP?


  • Welcome and foster your child’s questioning spirit.
  • Encourage them to learn what interests them.
  • Don’t rush to protect them immediately from difficulty. When they are stuck do just enough to get them going again.
  • Help them to notice when they are operating at the leading edge of their resilience, resourcefulness and so on.
  •  Involve them in your own learning activities. Try to “think aloud” as you try a new recipe or struggle with a bit of DIY.
  • You are your child’s best role model, it helps them grow if they see how you deal with new situations and learn.
  • Children are designed to be little apprentices who enjoy joining in with life situations such as looking for something they have lost, doing a household task or hobby. Share such activities with them and talk about what and how you are doing.


The four learning muscles that form the basis of Building Learning Power are

Resilience, Reciprocity, Resourcefulness and  Reflectiveness.


For more information click here