Online safety

What is Online Safety?


In simple terms, online safety refers to the act of staying safe online. It is also commonly known as internet safety, e-safety and cyber safety. It encompasses all technological devices which have access to the internet from PCs and laptops to smartphones and tablets.
The links below are useful websites for information on online safety (Click on the icons) 



You can sign up for free and access a wealth of Award-winning online safety guides on the latest apps, games, devices and risks eg Roblox, TikTok, you tube and setting up devices safely with parental controls

Also refer to more information in our  online safety and Child protection policy


These are some fun stories to tackle online safety discussions at home - click on them to take you to the story

Early years  Smartie the Penguin Chicken clicking
Child focus - pop ups Digiduck stories
Keystage 1 Goldilocks a hashtag cautionary tale Buddy the dog
Troll stinks The Adventures of Kara Winston and the smart crew